Mentiuni legale

Proprietar al websiteului  cat si al sectiunii de Licitatii, este  SC BCR LEASING IFN SA cu sediul in Calea Plevnei nr. 159, Business Garden Bucharest, cladirea A, etajul 4, camerele: E4-27 – E4-30 si E4-32 – E4-40, sector 6, cod postal 060013, Bucuresti, Romania, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului: nr J40/3213/2001, CUI: RO 13795308 .

Prin intermediul portalului punem la dispozitia vizitatorilor posibilitatea de a introduce o oferta de cumparare prin negociere directa sau sa liciteze in cadrul licitatiilor organizate de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA.

Participarea la licitatii este gratuita, avand la baza conditia de inregistrare a unui cont de Utilizator pe si de respectare in totalitate a “Termenilor si conditiilor” descrise in cele ce urmeaza:

1. Mentiuni legale

  • BCR Leasing depune toate eforturile pentru a prezenta in mod cat mai clar si concis toate informatiile din acest website. Cu toate acestea, BCR Leasing nu este si nu va fi legal responsabila sub nici o circumstanta pentru nici o inadvertenta ori descriere eronata a informatiilor prezentate in acest site. Orice persoana care doreste sa achizitioneze unul din produsele prezentate pe website este rugata sa ne contacteze, astfel pentru a se informa extensiv atat asupra disponibilitatii produsului in cauza cat si asupra conditiilor contractuale, taxelor, tarifelor si comisioanelor aferente :

Prin telefon: 0372.178.810

Prin e-mail:

Prin fax: (021) 323 53 50

Prin posta, sau personal la adresa: Calea Plevnei nr. 159, Business Garden Bucharest, cladirea A, etajul 4, camerele: E4-27 – E4-30 si E4-32 – E4-40, sector 6, cod postal 060013, Bucuresti, Romania

  • Accesarea websiteului cat si toate actiunile si comunicarile efectuate cu si prin intermediul acestuia, sunt guvernate de dispozitiile legilor romane, cu precadere de Legea 365/2002 privind comertul electronic, Ordonanta 130/2000 privind protectia consumatorilor la incheierea si executarea contractelor la distanta.
  • Termenii si conditiile descrise in continuare se supun legislatiei romane. In caz de litigiu, se va incerca rezolvarea diferendului pe cale amiabila, in termen de 30 de zile lucratoare de la inregistrarea reclamatiei la sediul SC BCR LEASING IFN SA, iar in cazul in care nu se poate ajunge la o intelegere in termenul precizat anterior, litigiile dintre Parti se vor supune rezolvarii instantelor judecatoreasti competente de la sediul BCR Leasing.
  • Raportat la normele de prudentialitate si dispozitiilor legale aplicabile IFN-urilor, BCR Leasing isi rezerva dreptul ca accesul la descrise in prezentul site sa poata face obiectul unor restrictii fata de anumite persoane sau in anumite zone / tari. In cazul in care bunurile achizitionate vor fi comercializate in afara granitelor tarii, responsabilitatea cunoasterii legislatiei, taxelor, etc, ale tarii respective, apartine in intregime Cumparatorului, BCR Leasing IFN SA ne avand nici o responsabilitate in acest sens.
  • Cititorul prezentelor conditii este obligat sa se asigure daca este autorizat din punct de vedere juridic a se conecta la prezentul site in tara de la care se stabileste conexiunea.
  • Este interzisa reproducerea, distribuirea sau publicarea sub orice forma a continutului materialelor prezentate pe acest site, de catre orice persoana, fara acordul scris prealabil al BCR Leasing.
  • Aceste operatiuni sunt interzise  prin lege si incalcarea dispozitiilor legale aplicabile in materia drepturilor de autor conduce la obligativitatea partii in culpa de a suporta prejudiciile cauzate.
  • Intreg continutul site-ului – imagini, texte, grafice, simboluri, informatii, interfete) etc – este proprietatea exclusiva a BCRL si/sau a furnizorilor sai si este protejat de legislatia aplicabila in domeniul drepturilor de autor.
  • Continutul nu poate fi reprodus, publicat, republicat, copiat, transmis, in nicio forma, fara acordul expres prealabil exprimat in scris al BCRL.
  • Aceste operatiuni sunt interzise  prin lege si incalcarea dispozitiilor legale aplicabile in materia drepturilor de autor conduce la obligativitatea partii in culpa de a suporta prejudiciile cauzate.
  • Orice incercare de orice natura de modificare a imaginii si/sau informatiilor din prezentul site, cu exceptia detinatorului sau legal – BCR Leasing, precum si realizarea de link-uri catre portalul fara acordul in prealabil din partea BCR Leasing, da dreptul unilateral si neechivoc lui BCR Leasing sa faca uz de toate prerogativele sale de a se adresa instantelor legal competente pentru sanctionarea acestor fapte. Pentru informatii suplimentare va rugam sa ne contactati la adresa de email
  • SC BCR LEASING IFN SA isi rezerva dreptul de a opera oricand, orice modificari asupra tuturor informatiilor, in speta asupra preturilor si datelor tehnice, prezente pe site-ul, fara o instiintare prealabila.
  • Datele tehnice si preturile prezente pe site-ul   au caracter informativ si nu reprezinta o obligatie contractuala. Fotografiile de pe site-ul  au caracter informativ si pot exista anumite diferente intre acestea si produs, fara ca aceste eventuale diferente sa influenteze in mod esential caracteristicile principale ale produsului.

2. Inregistrarea ca utilizator.

Accesarea si inregistrarea in website-ul se efectueaza in mod gratuit.

Pentru ofertarea bunurilor care NU se afla in Licitatie nu este nevoie de inregistrarea unui Utilizator din partea ofertantilor, dar participarea la licitatii este conditionata de inregistrarea pe website prin crearea unui cont de utilizator.

Accesarea si inregistrarea in website-ul se efectueaza in mod gratuit.

Fiind inregistrat ca Utilizator beneficiati de:

  • posibilitatea de a putea licita in cadrul licitatiilor organizate de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA
  • posibilitatea de a fi notificat referitor la ofertele depuse de alti utilizatori in cadrul unei licitatii organizate de SC BCR LEASING IFN SA

Pot avea calitatea de utilizatori in mod valid, urmatoarele categorii de persoane:

  • persoane fizice care au implinit varsta de 18 ani pana la data crearii contului de utilizator, indiferent de cetatenie;
  • persoane juridice in functiune legal constituite, indiferent de tara inregistrarii;
  • persoane fizice autorizate, in functiune – legal constituite, indiferent de tara inregistrarii

Inregistrarea ca utilizator al sectiunii de Licitatii este precedata de parcurgerea si acceptarea prealabila de catre Dvs. a Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare a

Aceste reglementari constituie baza contractuala a raporturilor dintre utilizatori si SC BCR LEASING IFN SA., urmand sa fie ulterior completate de documentatia semnata de parti in vederea perfectarii vanzarii.

In urma completarii formularului de inscriere, pentru a deveni utilizator este necesara o validare din partea Dvs. a datelor introduse, iar aceasta se efectueaza prin trimiterea automata de catre site a unui link pe care trebuie sa-l urmati si sa confirmati corectitudinea informatiilor transmise prin formularul de inscriere.

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA valideaza datele primite si implicit contul de utilizator numai in urma primirii confirmarii dvs., dar isi rezerva dreptul de a nu valida sau a anula validarea potentialilor utilizatori in cazul in care formularele de inregistrare sunt incomplete, completate gresit, sau daca exista suspiciuni referitoare la veridicitatea/ corectitudinea informatiilor introduse.

BCR Leasing IFN SA poate transmite Utilizatorilor sai validati orice infromatii/comunicari prin email, pe adresa de email a contului.

Prin utilizarea si prin acceptarea Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare ale acestuia, va exprimati in mod direct si expres acceptul de a fi destinatarul acestor comunicari cu caracter comercial.

Intrucat prevederile Termenilor si Conditiilor de utilizare pot fi modificate, va rugam sa le revedeti la fiecare accesare a site-ului.

In cazul in care nu sunteti de acord cu noile prevederi, va rugam sa ne solicitati anularea contului Dvs. de pe siteul printr-o solicitare scrisa pe adresa de email: (se iau in considerare doar solicitarile transmise de pe adresa de email a contului Dvs.)

3. Prelucrare date – confidentialitate

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA este inregistrata ca operator de date cu caracter personal sub nr. 2295 din 11.01.2007
In vederea participarii la licitatii organizate pe siteul este necesara furnizarea unor date cu caracter personal, precum: numele si prenumele, adresa de email, data nasterii dar si alte informatii cu caracter personal, care sa permita identificarea dvs. ca utilizator al serviciului de licitatii.

Prin înregistrare, Utilizatorul este de acord cu prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal furnizate către SC BCR LEASING IFN SA., conform legilor aplicabile.

Ca Utilizator, sunteti obligat la pastrarea confidentialitatii datelor de acces in contul Dvs. de utilizator, si prin inregistrarea ca utilizator intelegeti si acceptati sa va asumati responsabilitatea pentru toate activitatile efectuate din contul dvs. / cu ajutorul contului dvs. de utilizator.

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA isi rezerva dreptul de a bloca pe termen limitat, nelimitat sau de a inchide conturi de utilizatori, de a modifica sau elimina texte, sau de a refuza vanzarea de produse, in orice moment, in cazul in care considera ca sunt motive justificate pentru aceasta, respectiv daca au fost cazuri de incalcare a Termenilor si conditiilor sau daca de exemplu nu au fost achitate garantiile de participare solicitate, dara fara a se limita la acestea.

Imediat ce un cont este blocat, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA notifica pe email Utilizatorul despre blocarea accesului, iar utilizatorul nu va mai putea accesa sectiunea de Licitatii si de asemenea nu se va mai putea reinregistra pe siteul cu un alt nume de utilizator, pe intreaga perioada in care contul este blocat.

4. Reguli de participare la Licitatii

  1. Utilizatorul trebuie sa aiba o adresa de e-mail valida si sa isi creeze un cont accesand sectiunea “Inregistrare” (pentru a putea valida datele contului Dvs. veti primi un email generat automat de catre website in care trebuie sa accesati un link pentru a confirma corectitudinea datelor);
  2. Utilizatorul trebuie sa se autentifice accesand sectiunea “Intra in site” folosind username si parola alese in momentul inregistrarii;
  3. Poate exista un singur cont de utilizator valid pentru o persoana fizica/ juridica;
  4. Este interzis sa participati la o licitatie folosind contul altui Utilizator şi de asemenea este interzis să permiteti altor utilizatori sa foloseasca contul Dvs pentru a participa la o licitatie ;
  5. BCR LEASING IFN SA. îşi rezervă dreptul de a bloca pe termen limitat sau nelimitat contul unui Utilizator care încalcă orice prevedere din Termeni şi Condiţii.
  6. Utilizatorul al cărui cont a fost blocat pe termen nelimitat nu isi poate face un cont nou de Utilizator fără a obţine în prealabil acordul BCR LEASING IFN SA
  7. BCR LEASING IFN SA. îşi rezervă dreptul de a bloca pe termen limitat, nelimitat sau de a sterge contul unui Utilizator ale cărui acţiuni sunt considerate de catre BCR Leasing rauvoitoare, in special daca exista suspiciuni privind incalcarea oricarei reguli din Termeni si Conditii, dar fara a se limita la aceste motive;
  8. BCR LEASING IFN SA isi rezerva dreptul de a bloca contul pe termen limitat sau nelimitat in cazul in care se plaseaza oferte asupra carora exista suspiciuni de veridicitate si care denatureaza sensul licitatiei (de exemplu oferte nejustificat de mari);
  9. In cazul in care ofertantul declarat castigator refuza perfectarea documentatiei de vanzare-cumparare sau leasing (dupa caz), sau indiferent de motiv, vanzarea nu se finalizeaza, BCR Leasing isi rezerva dreptul de a bloca accesul respectivului Utilizator in sectiunea Licitatii, pe perioada determinata sau nedeterminata.
  10. In toate situatiile in care contul unui utilizator va fi blocat, operatiunea de blocare a contului respectiv va fi comunicata pe email Utilizatorului respectiv.

5. Procedura de licitatie, de desemnare a castigatorului si de vanzare

  • Durata licitatiei, respectiv termenul de deschidere si inchidere al fiecarei licitatii in parte, va fi vizibil pe site-ul in sectiunea de detalii a fiecarui bun care se afla in licitatie, cat si in sectiunea de Administrare a licitatiilor a fiecarui Utilizator. Termenul de inchidere al unei licitatii se poate scurta sau prelungi fara un preaviz in acest sens, in baza deciziei suverane a BCR LEASING IFN SA
  • Va recomandam ca inainte de a ne transmite oferta dvs. sa vizionati/testati bunul dorit mergand in parcul in care acesta se afla, adresa parcului si orararul de functionare fiind mentionate in sectiunea “Detalii” aferenta fiecarui bun in parte. Bunurile se pot testa doar in parc sau la un service specializat cu aprobarea noastra scrisa in prealabil.
  • Dupa vizionarea si testarea bunului transmiteti catre BCR LEASING IFN SA oferta/licitarile Dvs, transmiterea ofertelor putandu-se face exclusiv prin portalul, cu respectarea tuturor conditiilor impuse referitoare la completarea corecta a tuturor informatiilor solicitate, la perioada de valabilitate a licitatiei si a ofertei minime posibile, cat si a Termenilor si Conditiilor.Un Utilizator poate licita de cate ori doreste pe toata durata licitatiei cu conditia ca oferta licitata sa fie mai mare sau egala cu oferta minima posibila.Oferta minimaposibila reprezinta suma dintre pretul de pornire al licitatiei sau ultima licitare (dupa caz) si cresterea minima acceptata (pasul de licitare fixat de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA), dar fara a fi limitata superior la pasul licitatiei (se poate oferta mai mult decat pasul licitatiei, dar nu mai putin), astfel pretul care poate fi licitat este intotdeauna mai mare decat ultimul pret licitat cu minim pasul licitatiei.

Oferta minima posibila reprezinta suma dintre pretul de pornire al licitatiei sau ultima licitare (dupa caz) si cresterea minima acceptata (pasul de licitare fixat de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA), dar fara a fi limitata superior la pasul licitatiei (se poate oferta mai mult decat pasul licitatiei, dar nu mai putin), astfel pretul care poate fi licitat este intotdeauna mai mare decat ultimul pret licitat cu minim pasul licitatiei.

Inregistrarea ofertei dvs in baza de date se va efectua doar in urma confirmarii pretului ofertat (ulterior introducerii pretului licitat, se deschide o fereastra in care se solicita confirmarea pretului licitat) si va fi confirmata prin afisarea unui mesaj pe site si/ sau prin transmiterea automata a unui e-mail de confirmare la adresa comunicata de dvs. in formularul de inregistrare ca utilizator, si va fi fizibila si in sectiunea de administrare a contului Dvs. in “Istoricul licitatiilor mele”.

In cazul in care oferta nu a putut fi inregistrata in baza de date, acest lucru cat si motivul neinregistrarii este anuntat sub forma unui mesaj in fereastra de licitatie.

  • SC BCR LEASING IFN SA isi rezerva dreptul de a invalida oferte in timpul licitatiei daca exista suspiciuni legate de veridicitatea acestora. In vederea confirmarii ofertelor, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA poate contacta utilizatorii folosind datele de contact existente in formularul de inregistrare.Conturile Utilizatorilor pe care SC BCR LEASING IFN SA nu a reusit sa-i contacteze pot fi de asemenea blocate.
  • Ofertele vor putea fi primite numai pana la inchiderea Licitatiei, care are loc la expirarea perioadei anuntate.

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA va verifica ofertele primite si poate valida ca fiind castigatoare una dintre ofertele primite, in baza criteriului “oferta care prezinta cel mai mare pret” , conditionat concomitent ca respectiva oferta sa fie cel putin egala cu pretul minim de vanzare acceptat de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA.

Astfel faptul ca un Utilizator a licitat cel mai mare pret la inchiderea Licitatiei, nu inseamna in mod obligatoriu ca BCR Leasing accepta aceasta oferta ca pret de vanzare.

Doar Utilizatorul a carui oferta a fost validata ca fiind castigatoare va fi notificat prin e-mail si totodata va fi contactat de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA in termen de 3 zile lucratoare de la terminarea licitatiei pentru demararea procedurilor de perfectare a documentatiei aferente vanzarii bunului.

Ofertantul castigator are un termen de 48 de ore de la trimiterea de catre BCR Leasing a notificarii pe email pentru a efectua plata si pentru a transmite dovada efectuarii platii pe emailul, a unei sume reprezentand 10% din pretul cu TVA acceptat ca  pret de vanzare de catre BCR Leasing, dar nu mai putin de 1.000 RON (pt bunuri cu valoarea de pana in 1.000 RON trebuie platit integral pretul in termen de 48 de ore), cu titlu de avans vanzare. Plata se va efectua in contul indicat in factura proforma ce se va emite in acest sens, pentru platile in lei efectuandu-se la cursul de vanzare EUR/RON al BCR valabil la deschiderea zilei bancare, din data emiterii facturii proforme.

In cazul in care aceste conditii nu sunt indeplinite, BCR Leasing va relua procedura de mai sus cu   utilizatorul a carui oferta se situeaza  din punct de vedere valoric imediat sub oferta declarata initial castigatoare, cu conditia ca si oferta acestuia sa fie cel putin egala cu pretul minim acceptat pentru vanzare de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA

In cazul neindeplinirii in continuare a acestor conditii, procedura va fi reluata de catre BCR Leasing pana cand nu mai exista nici un Utilizator a carui oferta sa fie cel putin egala cu pretul minim de vanzare acceptat de catre BCR leasing, pentru a fi validata.

In cazul in care ofertantul a carui oferta a fost declarata castigatoare a achitat avansul mai sus mentionat, dar indiferent de motiv nu mai finalizeaza achizitia bunului, BCR Leasing este indreptatit sa pastreze integral acest avans cu titlu de penalitate/garantie.

In cadrul procedurii de vanzare a bunului, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA este indreptatita sa solicite Utilizatorului a carui oferta este declarata castigatoare orice informatii, date si documente necesare pentru identificarea acestuia precum si pentru intocmirea documentatiei de vanzare-cumparare a bunului sau de finantare in sistem leasing financiar a bunului, dupa caz.

  • procedura de achizitie a bunului, fie prin contract de vanzare-cumparare, fie prin contract de finantare in sistem leasing, se va initia exclusiv cu persoana fizica sau juridica care a plasat oferta acceptata de catre BCR Leasing in baza datelor furnizate in formularul de inregistrare al Utilizatorului.
  • BCR Leasing isi rezerva dreptul de a nu valida castigatorul licitatiei si/sau de a nu initia procedura de vanzare a unui bun aflat in licitatie in cazul in care Cumparatorul real este o alta persoana fizica/juridica decat Utilizatorul inregistrat.
  • Vanzarea bunului se poate realiza in doua moduri:
    • prin semnarea unui contract de vanzare-cumparare urmata de emiterea unei facturi proforme pe numele Utilizatorului declarat castigator, urmand ca dupa incasarea pretului integral de vanzare si a indeplinirii tuturor obligatiilor si termenelor stabilite prin respectivul contract, sa se emita si Factura Fiscala, care se va preda Cumparatorului impreuna cu toate documentele disponibile aferente bunului respectiv;
    • prin semnarea unui contract de finantare in leasing, conditionata de depunerea completa a documentatiei de finantare si de aprobare a conditiilor de finantare de catre SC BCR LEASING IFN SA, urmat de plata avansului solicitat, a asigurarilor si a conditiilor stabilite prin respectivul contract de leasing financiar
  • Utilizatorul intelege, accepta si isi asuma ca acceptarea termenilor si conditiilor si participarea la orice licitatie organizata pe wesiteul valoreaza din punct de vedere juridic promisiune unilaterala de a contracta conform prevederilor 1279 Cod Civil.

Utilizatorul intelege, accepta si isi asuma ca va putea beneficia de finantare in sistem leasing de la BCR LEASING numai dupa si in conditiile semnarii contractelor de leasing aferente respectivelor operatiuni de leasing, cu respectarea prevederilor contractuale si legale aplicabile, si ca termenii si conditiile de utilizare a siteului pot fi modificate de BCR LEASING, oricand,cu notificarea participantilor la licitatii in masura in care acest lucru este posibil.

In acest sens, pentru nerespectarea obligatiei de contractare, si deci de nefinalizare a documentatiei de vanzare cumparare din vina Utilizatorului declarat castigator, acesta datoreaza daune catre BCR Leasing, in cuantum, de 10% din pretul cu TVA acceptat ca pret de vanzare de catre BCR Leasing .
Acest site, informatiile si comunicarile de orice natura transmise catre sau dinspre el nu reprezinta oferta comerciala ferma emisa de BCR Leasing, nici promisiune de a contracta, nici contract.

Eventualele opinii sau informatiile prezentate dinspre si in site nu reprezintă neapărat pozitia BCR Leasing cu privire la subiect. Informatiile prezentate in site sunt cu titlu informativ si nu sunt neaparat complete, curente sau corecte.

Referinţele cuprinse de acest site cu privire la orice produs comercial specific, proces, serviciu, sau utilizarea de orice nume comercial, firmă sau corporaţie nu constituie aprobare, garantare, si nici intentia de a contracta.

Orice formă si orice parte de contract, pentru a angaja in mod valabil BCR Leasing trebuie să fie confirmata de către persoanele mandatate sa reprezinte societatea in acest sens (sau reprezentantii legali), prin semnarea de ambele parti a documentatiei de vanzare-cumparare.

Toate litigiile generate de inscrierea si participarea la licitatiile organizate pe site-ul si care se refera la incheierea, executarea sau desfiintarea contractului de vanzare si/sau de leasing se supun instantelor competente teritorial de la sediul BCR LEASING.

Prin acceptarea termenilor si conditiilor si participarea la orice licitatie organizata pe siteul Utilizatorul permite in mod expres lui BCR Leasing sa prelucreze datele sale cu caracter personal, in calitate de operator de date cu caracter personal cu numarul 2295 din 11.01.2007, cu conditia respectarii prevederilor Legii nr. 677/2001 privind protectia datelor personale, pana la revocarea expresa a acestui drept de catre Utilizator, cu precadere in scopul inregistrarii datelor sale in registrele BCR Leasing privitoare la clientela, pentru a transmite datele catre banci, conform obligatiilor legale de raportare, dar si pentru a face posibila informarea corespunzatoare a Utilizatorului asupra oportunitatilor de afaceri, serviciilor sau beneficiilor acordate clientilor de catre Finantator.

  • Bunurile care fac obiectul vanzarii prin intermediul site-ului sunt bunuri care au facut obiectul finantarii in cadrul unui contract de leasing financiar in care S.C. BCR Leasing IFN S.A. a avut calitatea de finantator. VANZATORUL BCR Leasing IFN SA a redevenit proprietar deplin al bunurilor, in urma rezilierii contractului de leasing financiar si a reposedarii acestora, si se vand exact in starea in care au fost reposedate.
  • Utilizatorul declarat castigator declara ca a inspectat si verificat bunurile, pe care le accepta in starea tehnica si functionala in care le-a gasit, stare existenta care va fi ilustrata in procesul verbal de predare-primire la data predarii bunului de catre BCR Leasing IFN SA si care corespunde in intregime scopului urmarit de acesta. De asemenea, Utilizatorul declarat castigator se angajeaza sa suporte cheltuielile pentru eventualele reparatii pe care le considera necesare reconditionarii bunurilor, exonerand pe BCR Leasing IFN SA de orice obligatie in acest sens.Bunurile si componentele lor au fost atent analizate inainte de preluarea acestora de la BCR Leasing IFN SA, Utilizatorul declarat castigator avand posibilitatea efectuarii unei inspectii tehnice cu asistenta de specialitate anterior primirii acestora. Utilizatorul declarat castigator cumpara bunurile in starea pe care a constatat-o dupa verificare, fie personal, fie prin intermediul unui reprezentant / profesionist, fiind constient de faptul ca bunurile sunt folosite si avand cunostinta de vechimea, kilometrii parcursi si/sau modul si durata de folosire a acestora, precum si de caracteristicile tehnice initiale si actuale ale acestora
  • Utilizatorul declarat castigator declara ca a luat la cunostinta de istoricul bunurilor, asa cum acesta este descris la art. J). de mai sus si il accepta ca atare, asumandu-si toate si orice riscuri aferente. In acest sens, exemplificativ si nu limitativ, Utilizatorul declarat castigator este constient si intelege ca BCR Leasing IFN SA nu poate fi tinut responsabil pentru uzarea viitoare a bunurilor rezultata in principal din intretinerea necorespunzatoare, neschimbarea consumabilelor sau folosirea inadecvata. Riscul deteriorarii bunurilor, precum si riscul pierderilor accidentale si/sau inrautatirea conditiilor tehnice ale acestora ori a pieselor trec asupra Utilizatorului declarat castigator – cumparator, odata cu trecerea bunurilor in posesia sa.SC BCR LEASING IFN SA nu isi asuma nici o obligatie de garantie (nici pentru vicii ascunse, nici pentru vicii aparente) in legatura cu bunul vandut.
    De asemenea, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA nu isi asuma obligatia de a preda Utilizatorului declarat castigator acte si/sau accesorii ale bunului decat in masura in care le detine (manual de utilizare, caiet de service, chei de rezerva, presuri, capace, trusa medicala, triunghi reflectorizant, extinctor, vesta, etc).
  • BCR Leasing IFN SA, nu pote fi facuta responsabila pentru nici o neindeplinire, intarziere sau eroare rezultata direct sau indirect din cauze care nu depind de vointa sa (caz fortuit). Aceasta exonerare include, cu titlu de exemplu si nelimitativ: erorile de functionare a echipamentului tehnic al site-ului, lipsa conexiunii la internet sau functionarea defectuoasa a acesteia, lipsa sau functionariea defectuoasa a conexiunilor de telefon, virusii informatici, accesul neautorizat in sistemele informatice ale BCR Leasing IFN SA, erorile de operare, etc, precum si cazurile de forta majora stipulate de legislatia romana in vigoare.


Please read carefully the following Terms and Conditions for using the website

The owner of both the website and the Tender section is SC BCR LEASING IFN SA, with registered office in Pta. Alba Iulia, nr. 8, Bl. I7, District 3, Bucharest, registered with the Trade Register under no. J40/3213/2001, VAT number RO 13795308

Through the website, we provide visitors with the opportunity of placing a purchase bid through direct negotiation, or of participating in the tenders organized by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA. Tender participation is free of charge, subject to the registration of a User’s account on and the complete observance of the “Terms and Conditions”

1. Legal provisions

BCR Leasing shall make all reasonable efforts to supply the information on this website as clearly and precisely as possible. However, BCR Leasing is not and shall not be held responsible under any circumstances and for any inadvertences or erroneous description of the information posted on this site. Anyone who wishes to buy one of the goods posted on the website is invited to contact us, using the following contact details for any additional information regarding both the availability of the product in question, the contractual terms, and the related fees and charges:

  • Telephone: 0372.178.810
  • E-mail:
  • Fax: (021) 323 53 50
  • By mail or in person at the address: Calea Plevnei nr. 159, Business Garden Bucharest, building A, floor 4, rooms: E4-27 – E4-30 si E4-32 – E4-40, District 6, zip code 060013, Bucharest, Romania

The access to the website, as well as all the actions and notices made by means of this website, shall be governed by the provisions of the Romanian laws, especially Law No. 365/2002 on electronic commerce, Ordinance No. 130/2000 regarding the consumer protection on the remote execution of contracts.

The terms and conditions herein are governed by the Romanian laws. Should any conflicts arise, efforts shall be made to amiably settle them, within 30 business days after the complaint is registered at the office of SC BCR LEASING IFN SA, and, unless an agreement is reached within the stipulated deadline, the conflicts existing between the Parties shall be referred for settlement to the competent courts that the office of BCR Leasing belongs to.

As for the prudentiality norms and the legal provisions applied to NFIs (Non-Banking Financial Institutions), BCR Leasing reserves the right for the access to the information provided on this website to be subject to limitations applied to certain people or areas/countries. If the purchased goods are to be traded abroad, the Buyer shall be solely responsible for becoming acquainted with the legislation, fees etc., existing in the country in question, BCR Leasing IFN SA having no responsibility whatsoever to this end.

The readers of these conditions shall make sure that they are legally authorized to connect to this website in the country where the connection is made.

It is strictly forbidden to reproduce, share or publish in any format the contents of the materials posted on this website by any person whatsoever, without the prior written agreement of BCR Leasing.

These operations are forbidden by law, and the violation of the applicable copyright legal provisions results in the guilty party’s obligation to cover the arising damages.

All the contents of the website – images, texts, charts, symbols, information, interfaces) etc. – are the exclusive property of BCRL and/or its suppliers, and they are protected by the legislation applicable in the copyright field.

Such content cannot be reproduced, published, republished, copied, or sent in any format, without the prior written agreement of BCRL. These operations are legally prohibited, and the violation of the legal provisions applied in the copyright field results in the guilty party’s obligation to cover the generated damage.

Any attempt whatsoever to modify the image and/or the information on this website, unless made by its legal holder – BCR Leasing, as well as the creation of links to portal revanzare.bcr-leasing.rowithout the prior agreement of BCR Leasing, unilaterally and unequivocally entitles BCR Leasing to use all its prerogatives and refer them to competent courts for the punishment of such actions. Should you require any further information, please contact us at the email address

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA reserves the right to make any amendments to all the information anytime, mainly to the prices and technical data, posted on the website, without any prior notice to this end. The technical data and the prices posted on the site  are for information purpose only, and they shall not be construed as any contractual obligations. The photographs on the website are for information purpose only, and there may be certain differences between these images and the actual product, although such differences cannot materially influence the main features of the product.

2. User registration

Access and registration to website are free of charge.

Bids for goods that are NOT included in the Tender do not require the registration of a User on behalf of bidders, but the tender participation is subject to the website registration by means of a user account.

Access and registration to the website are free of charge.

When registered as a User, you may benefit from:

  •  the possibility of placing bids in tenders organized by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA
  •  the possibility of being notified on the bids placed by other users in tenders organized by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA

The following categories of people may be valid users:

  • individuals who have turned 18 by the date when the user account is created, regardless of their citizenship;
  • active and legally incorporated entities, regardless of the their country of incorporation;
  • active and legally incorporated self-employed people regardless of the their country of incorporation

The registration as a user of the Tenders section is preceded by your acquaintance and approval of the Terms and Conditions for the use of

These rules represent the contractual basis for the relations developed between users and SC BCR LEASING IFN SA., and they are to be subsequently completed by the documentation that the parties sign in order to execute the sales.

Once the registration form has been filled in, you are required to validate the introduced data in order to become a user, and this is achieved by means of a link, which is automatically sent by the site, and which you must access to confirm the accuracy of the data provided in the registration form.

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA validates the received data and, implicitly, the user account only following the receipt of your confirmation, but it reserves the right not to validate or cancel the validity of potential users if registration forms are incomplete, filled in with errors, or if there are any suspicions referring to the truthfulness/accuracy of the provided data.

BCR Leasing IFN SA may send to its valid Users any email information/notices, using the email address of the account. By using and by your approval of its Terms and Conditions of use, you directly and clearly express you approval to being the recipient of such commercial notices.

Since the provisions of the Terms and Conditions of use may be amended, please review them each time you access the site. Should you not agree with the new provisions, please require the cancellation of your account from the website by sending a written request to the email address: (only the requests sent from the email address of your account shall be considered).

3. Data processing – confidentiality

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA is registered as a personal data operator under no. 2295 of 11.01.2007.
The participation in tenders organized on the website requires the supply of personal data, i.e. last name and first name, email address, date of birth, as well as other personal information, which enables your identification as a user of the tender service.

By their registration, Users agree to the processing of the personal data supplied to SC BCR LEASING IFN SA., in full observance of the laws in force.

As a User, your obligation is to keep your user account access data confidential, and, by your registration as a user, you understand and agree to assume responsibility for all the activities pursued from your user account/by means of your user account.

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block or close user accounts, change or remove texts, or reject the sales of products, anytime, if clear grounds are identified to this end, if there were cases of violation of terms and conditions or if such required guarantees for participation were not paid , but without limitation thereto.

Once an account has been blocked, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA immediately notifies the User by email about their access being blocked; the user can no longer access the Tenders section, and can no longer sign in to the website by any other user name, as long as the account is blocked.

4. Rules for participation in Tenders.

a) the user must have a valid email address and make an account by accessing the “Registration”section (in order to validate the date of your account, you will receive an email that the website automatically generates, and where you must access a link to confirm the accuracy of your data);

b) the User must log in by accessing the “Enter the site” section, using the username and the password selected at registration;

c) there may be only one valid user account for an individual/legal entity;

d) you are forbidden to participate in a tender using another User’s account, and you are also forbidden to allow other users to use your account in order to participate in a tender;

e) BCR LEASING IFN SA. reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block the account of a User who violates any of the established Terms and Conditions.

f) the User whose account has been permanently blocked cannot make a new User account without the prior agreement of BCR LEASING IFN SA

g) BCR LEASING IFN SA. reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block or cancel the account of a User whose actions are construed by BCR Leasing as malevolent, especially if there are any suspicions regarding the violation of the rules stipulated in the Terms and Conditions, with no limitation to these reasons;

h) BCR LEASING IFN SA reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block the account if such bids are placed that arise accuracy suspicions, and which distort the meaning of the tender (e.g. unreasonably large bids);

i) If the winning bidder refuses to execute the sales-purchase or lease documentation (as the case may be), or if, regardless the reason, the sales is not completed, BCR Leasing reserves the right to temporarily or permanently block the access of the User in question to the Tenders section.

j) Whenever a user’s account is blocked, the User in question shall be notified by email about the blocking operation.

5. Tender, winner selection and sales procedure.

a) The duration of the tender, the opening and closing date of each tender will be posted on the website in the ‘details’ section of every auctioned product, as well as in every User’s Tender Administration section. The closing term of a tender may be reduced or prolonged with no prior notice to this end, based on the sovereign decision of BCR LEASING IFN SA

b) We recommend that, before sending us your bid, you should see/test the envisaged product in the park where it is shown, the address of the park and the opening hours being stipulated in the “Details” section of each product. The goods may only be tested in the park or in a specialized service station, based on our prior written approval.

c) Once you have seen and tested the good, you may send your offer/bids to BCR LEASING IFN SA exclusively through the website, in full observance of all the conditions related to the accurate supply of all the required information, the tender validity term and the minimum bid, as well as of the established Terms and Conditions.

A User may place as many bids as it wants throughout the duration of the tender, provided that the bid is at least equal to the minimum bid.

The minimum bid represents the amount ranging between the starting price of the tender or of the last tender (as the case may be) and the minimum increase accepted (the bid increment set by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA), with no upper limit established to the bid increment (a bid may exceed the level of the bid increment, but cannot be below it); therefore, the price that may be offered is always higher than the last bid price at least by the bid increment.

Your bid may be registered in the database only after the confirmation of the offered price (after the introduction of the offered price, a window opens to require the confirmation of the offered price), and it shall be acknowledged by the display of a message on the site and/or by means of a confirmation e-mail sent to the address that you have stipulated in the user registration form, and it will also be posted in the administration section of your account, in “My tenders history”. If the bid could not be registered in the database, both this aspect and the reason for the non-registration shall be notified by a message posted in the tender window.

d) SC BCR LEASING IFN SA reserves the right to invalidate bids during the tender procedure if there are any suspicions related to their truthfulness. In order to confirm the bids, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA may contact users using the contact details stipulated on the registration form. The accounts of the Users whom SC BCR LEASING IFN SA has not managed to contact may also be blocked.

e) Bids may only be received by the Tender closing time, which occurs at the end of the notified period.

SC BCR LEASING IFN SA shall check the received bids, and may validate as winner one of the received bids, based on the “highest price bid” criterion, concomitantly subject to the bid being at least equal to the minimum selling price accepted by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA. 

Therefore, the fact that a User has offered the highest price at the Tender closing time does not necessarily mean that BCR Leasing accepts this bid as the selling price.

Only the User whose offer has been validated as the winning offer shall be notified by e-mail and also contacted by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA within 3 business days after the end of the tender in order to start the procedure for the execution of the product sales documentation.

The winning bidder has 48 hours after BCR Leasing sends the email notice to make the payment and send the proof of payment to the email address, for the amount representing 10% of the price, VAT included, which BCR Leasing has accepted as the selling price, but no less than 1,000 RON (for goods of up to 1,000 RON, the price shall be paid in full within 48 hours), under the title of sales advance payment. The payment shall be made in the account stipulated on the pro forma invoice issued to this end, and the Ron payments shall apply the EUR/RON exchange rate used by BCR, which is valid at the beginning of the bank day, on the pro forma invoice issuance.

Unless these conditions are met, BCR Leasing will resume the abovementioned procedure with the user whose bid has a value that ranks right below the bid initially declared as the winner, provided that this user’s bid is at least equal to the minimum selling price accepted by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA. Should these conditions continue to be violated, BCR Leasing will resume the procedure until there is no User left whose bid is at least equal to the minimum selling price accepted by BCR Leasing, in order to be validated.

Once the bidder whose offer had been declared to be the winning bid has made the abovementioned advance payment, but, for some reason whatsoever, they no longer complete the product procurement, BCR Leasing is entitled to keep this advance amount in full as penalty/warranty.

During the product selling procedure, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA is entitled to ask the User who is declared to have the winning bid to provide any information, data and documents needed for their identification, as well as for the elaboration of the product sales-purchase documentation or for the leasing procurement of the product, as the case may be.

f) the product procurement procedure, whether based on a sales-purchase agreement, or on a lease agreement, is to be initiated exclusively with the individual or legal entity that has placed the bid accepted by BCR Leasing based on the data supplied in the User’s registration form.

g) BCR Leasing reserves the right not to validate the winner of the tender and/or not to initiate the selling procedure for an auctioned product if the real Buyer is another individual/legal entity than the registered User.

h) The product may be sold in two ways:

  •   by the conclusion of a sales-purchase agreement, followed by the issuance of a pro forma invoice on the name of the winning User, while, after the payment of the selling price in full and the fulfilment of all the obligations and terms established in the contract, the Fiscal Invoice is also to be issued and delivered to the Buyer, as well as all the available documents related to the product in question;
  •   by signing a lease agreement, subject to the complete submission of the financing documentation and the approval of the financing requirements by SC BCR LEASING IFN SA, followed by the required advance payment, the insurances and the conditions set in the concerned lease agreement

i) The User understands, accepts and assumes that the acceptance of the established terms and conditions and the participation in any tender procedure organized on the website legally worth a unilateral promissory agreement according to the provisions of Art. 1279, Civil Code.

The User understands, accepts and assumes that it may benefit from the lease granted by BCR LEASING only after and on the conditions required by the conclusion of the lease agreements related to the concerned lease operations, in full observance of the applicable contractual and legal provisions, and that the terms and conditions for use of the website may be changed by BCR LEASING, anytime, by the notification of the tender participants to the possible extent.

Therefore, for the non-observance of the contracting obligation, and thus the non-completion of the sales-purchase documentation because of the winning User, this User shall owe damages to BCR Leasing, representing 10% of the price, VAT included, which BCR Leasing has accepted as the selling price.

This site, the information and notices of any nature sent to or from this site, do not represent the firm offer issued by BCR Leasing, a promissory contract, or an agreement. Any opinions or the information posted from and in the site do not necessarily represent the position of BCR Leasing with reference to this topic. The data posted on the site are for information purpose only, and they are not necessarily complete, current or accurate. The references mentioned on this site regarding any specific commercial product, process, service, or the use of any trade name, company or corporation do not represent the contracting approval, warranty or intention.

Any form and any part of the agreement, in order to become validly binding for BCR Leasing, shall be acknowledged by the proxies who are authorized to represent the company to this end (or by its legal representatives), and  both parties shall sign the sales-purchase documentation.

All conflicts arising from the registration and participation in the tenders organized on the site, and which refer to the conclusion, execution or termination of the sales and/or lease agreement shall be settled by the competent local courts that the office of BCR LEASING belongs to.

By accepting the terms and conditions, and by participating in any tender organized on the site, the User clearly allows BCR Leasing to process their personal data, acting as a personal data operator registered with no. 2295 of 11.01.2007, subject to the observance of the provisions of Law no. 677/2001 on personal data protection, until the clear cancellation of this right by the User, mainly for the purpose of registering their data in BCR Leasing customers records, in order to send these data to banks, according to the legal reporting requirements in force, but also for the User’s appropriate information on business opportunities, services or benefits that the Financer grants to customers.

j) The products representing the object of the sales organized on the site are goods that have been financed by means of a lease agreement where S.C. BCR Leasing IFN S.A. acted as financer. The SELLER BCR Leasing IFN SA has become the rightful owner of the goods, following the termination of the lease agreement and the repossession of the goods, and they are sold precisely in the state of their repossession.

k) The winning User declares to have checked and verified the goods, which are accepted in the technical and operational condition that they are found in, a current condition that is to be illustrated in the delivery-receipt protocol on the date when the product is delivered by BCR Leasing IFN SA, and which completely meets the envisaged purpose. Moreover, the winning User commits to cover any repairing costs that may be needed for the goods reconditioning, holding BCR Leasing IFN SA harmless of any liability to this end. The goods and their components have been carefully checked prior to their takeover from BCR Leasing IFN SA, the winning User having the opportunity of a technical inspection with specialized assistance prior to their receipt. The winning User buys the goods in the state found after this inspection, which is pursued either personally, or through a representative/professional service provider, being aware of the fact that the goods have been used, and being notified about how old the goods are, their mileage and/or the duration of their usage, as well as about their initial and current technical features.

l) The winning User declares to have been informed about the history of the goods, as described in Art. J). above, and that they are accepted as such, all and any related risks being taken. Therefore, for illustrative and not exhaustive purposes, the winning User is aware of and understands the fact that BCR Leasing IFN SA cannot be held responsible for the future wear of the goods mainly resulting from inappropriate maintenance, unreplaced consumables or wrongful usage. The goods damage risk, as well as the accidental loss risk and/or the technical deterioration risk are transferred to the winning User – the buyer, as the goods become their property. SC BCR LEASING IFN SA assumes no warranty obligation (for either latent or patent defects) related to the sold good. Moreover, SC BCR LEASING IFN SA does not commit to provide the winning User with documents and/or accessories of the sold good, except to the extent that such items are in its possession (user guide, technical specification, spare keys, mats, covers, medical kit, warning retroreflective triangle, extinguisher, vest, etc.).

m) BCR Leasing IFN SA cannot be held responsible for any unfulfilment, delay or error directly or indirectly arising from causes that are beyond its control (act of God). Such exoneration includes, for illustrative and not exhaustive purposes: operating errors of the technical equipment of the site, missing or defective internet connection, missing or defective telephone connection, computer viruses, unauthorized access to the computer systems of BCR Leasing IFN SA, operating errors etc., as well as the force majeure events stipulated by the Romanian legislation in force.

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